October 16, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Dr. Shashi Tharoor Visits Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile


On May 30, 2024, Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Member of Parliament for Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, and former Union Minister of State for External Affairs, paid a visit to the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile. This visit also marks his tenure as the former Under Secretary General of the United Nations. Accompanied by his delegation, Dr. Tharoor engaged in a significant meeting with Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang and members of both the Standing Committee and the Public Accounts Committee following a comprehensive tour of the parliament hall.

Earlier in the day, the delegation had the honor of meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The visit to the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile was facilitated by an invitation extended to Dr. Tharoor, with parliamentarian Youdon Aukatsang of the TPiE guiding them during their stay.

Upon their arrival, Dr. Shashi and his colleagues were warmly welcomed by the Deputy Speaker, various committee members, and the Secretary-led staff of the parliamentary secretariat. The visit commenced with a guided tour of the parliament hall, providing Dr. Tharoor with an insightful overview of the institution’s workings. This was followed by an in-depth meeting in the Standing Committee’s hall.

In her welcoming address, Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang expressed her gratitude for Dr. Tharoor’s unwavering support for the Tibetan cause. She specifically mentioned his consistent engagement with Tibetan delegations during their advocacy visits to Delhi.

The Deputy Speaker urged Dr. Tharoor to continue his support with the same dedication, referencing his impactful presence at the 8th World Parliamentarians Convention on Tibet in Washington DC in 2022. She also encouraged his participation in the forthcoming 9th World Parliamentarians Convention on Tibet.

During the meeting, Dr. Shashi highlighted the longstanding support from the Indian government and its citizens for Tibet and its people, a sentiment that transcends political affiliations. He shared insights from his earlier audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, where the importance of religious harmony was underscored. Dr. Tharoor emphasized the diverse composition of his delegation, which included individuals from Hindu, Muslim, and Christian backgrounds.

Reflecting on the historical context, Dr. Tharoor recalled India’s welcoming of His Holiness and Tibetan refugees in 1959, noting the Dalai Lama’s continued message of love and compassion globally.

Dr. Shashi Tharoor is an advocate for Tibetan rights and a member of the International Network of Parliamentarians on Tibet (INPaT), demonstrating his ongoing commitment to the Tibetan cause.

Source: https://tibetanparliament.org/mp-shashi-tharoor-visits-tibetan-parliament-in-exile/

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